Client Report:
Once the Agency Profile and Clients are setup, go to Client Report tab

Here, you can create new report. Click on the Create New Report button on the page.

Clicking on that button will bring you to the Client Report page.

Report Settings:
Report Setting has some mandatory fields that are self describing. We need Report Title, Client Selection, Report Type, Schedule, Send On & Intro message here.

Report Title: This is the title of your report that your clients will receive.
Select Client: Select the clients that you want to send the report to.
Report Type: We can send a non recurring or recurring report.
Schedule: This will appear for recurring report where you can select the interval where you want to send report.
Date Range: Select from which date you want to generate the report.
Intro Message: The first line that will be attached to your report.
Report Data Settings:
Report data settings dictates which data you want to generate report for. The report data settings section looks like this.

You can include Plugin, Vault, Block, Lock, Vulnerability, Optimization, WordPress Core, WordPress Settings, WordPress Users and Sync WP to Remote. Let’s discuss the options in details.
Plugin: You can list Install, Activate, Deactivate, Update, Delete, Version Switch of your WordPress plugins.
Vault: Sending and Restoring to vault on your WordPress site.
Block: Blocking and Unblocking of plugins on your WordPress site.
Lock: Locking and Unlocking of plugins on your WordPress site.
Vulnerability: Vulnerable plugin optimization on your WordPress site.
Optimization: Which plugins are optimized.
WordPress Core: WordPress core update count.
WordPress Settings: Various WordPress settings regarding General, Writing, Reading, Discussion & Media changes in WordPress.
WordPress Users : Add, Update & Delete users.
Sync WP to Remote: Remote sync count.
Email Settings:

There are some more settings in the Email Settings page. Let’s go over the options together.
Reply to Email: The emails your users will reply to if they want to reply to the monthly report.
Email Subject: The subject line of your monthly report email.
Email Body: The body content of your email.
Send Copy: If you want to send the logged in user a copy of the sent report.
Once you are done customizing the report, you can either preview the generated report or save it.

If we preview the report we can see a nicely formatted report here.

We can now also delete the report from Clients > Client Report