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  5. Search


Search widget allows you to search through your products to get the exact match.

In order to use the Search widget, create a new page from wp-admin>pages:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-41-1024x370.png

Now edit the page with Elementor:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-42-1024x356.png

Type EazyFilter in the search box and drag the Search widget. Here we already have the product widget that we created from before:

Now you can search in your product name and description:

Here you can select Apply Type, Apply On, Filter Name & Placeholder:

After you change your settings hit update button and preview changes. Your search is now ready to be used:

Type what you want to search, either description or title, and the searched term will show up:

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